Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Three years so far...

Happy 3rd Anniversary
My Dear Divoy Analos Putro Petir

August 31st 2010
"There is no feeling more comforting and consoling
than knowing you are next to the one you love"

Monday, August 30, 2010

Paper Studio

Aku bawa oleh-oleh dari kunjungan ke Serpong lalu.. :D

I was surprised when a friend of mine told me that Paper Studio is in TerasKota. So without any doubt, I went to that local scrap store and bought some treasures there. *happy, happy, happy ^.^*

Barang-barang di Paper Studio tergolong murah karena most of the products are made by themselves, only few of them are imported stuffs. For example the price for textured & patterned paper mostly Rp. 9.000, Glitters Rp. 3.500, embellishments & chipboards round Rp. 2.000 to 20.000. You can also find puncher, embosser, scissors, frames, ribbon, etc. I like shopping here because beside their cheap price the shopkeepers were nice to the customers. I feel like am in heaven already:)))

Paper Studio has several branches, you can find them here :
*. Lapiaza Gading
*. Cibubur Junction
*. Depok Town Square
*. Blok M Plaza
*. Citraland
*. Teraskota, Serpong

I call this heaveeenn :)))


Last weekend, August 22nd 2010, my big family and I went to Serpong, to be exact we stayed in CBD Apartment for a night. The apartment only had two bedrooms, while the family members were 20 people at that time, it was impossible to put all of us in those two bedrooms. So, the youngster had to gave in to the oldster and sleep in the living room. Our sleeping equipments were carpet and bed cover as sleeping pad, bags or towel as pillow, and cousins or nephews as bolsters... It was chaos, but this kind of situation is kinda our habit, so we've mastered this... hahaaa..

Gathering with family is always fun, we talked a lot, sharing stories bout job, love life also future and they really are best listener and problem solver.. We also had outdoor activities like swam, Saturday night at the city, ate bakso as our favorite food and karaoke.

To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there. ~Barbara Bush

*The colorful apartment*

*Our room, lucky number. July 26th. My bday :)*

*Our Swimming Style :)*

*Karaoke Time @ NAV*

*.. and the best part goes to this..
Den Bagas ga bisa tidur kalo ga begini caranya x_x*

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pedagang Musiman

Lebaran selalu membawa berkah bagi umat Muslim yang merayakannya.. Buat umat lain yang ga merayakannya, mereka juga kebagian dapet berkah loooh, contohnya gue... Lebaran kali ini gue coba buat mengais rejeki dengan berjualan KUE LEBARAN.. Yeep, Guests will coming dan tentunya Anda tidak mau mengecewakan mereka.. Bukan? So, here I am, as a "Penjual Kue" ...hehehe..

Awalnya iseng nanya Mba Tia (sepupu gue) tentang status bbm-nya yang lagi promosiin Kue Lebaran dagangannya.. Karena penasaran, gue tanya ini itu soal detailnya "1 kardus isi 6 toples : ada kue kacang, putri salju, kue coklat, nastar, kastangel dan kue keju" dengan harga yang sangat reasonable, ditambah packaging kardusnya menarik, bisa dipake untuk hantaran ke kerabat, gue lalu berfikir orang-orang pasti tertarik nih..

Otak dagang gue langsung jalan, sekaligus bantuin Mba Tia yang usut punya usut emang lagi ngumpulin duit buat biaya kawinnya taun depan... Dia emang udah kebelet kawin niiih.. hihihi.. Setelah kompromi dan negosiasi sama Mba Tia, akhirnya kami sepakat jadi rekan bisnis selama Lebaran berlangsung..*Jabat tangan; Deal*

Promosi yang gue lakuin terbilang minim.. cuma melalui bbm & ym, ga pake hard effort lagi.. Broadcast message ke semua contact list, dan sent ! Setelah itu, gue percaya Tuhan pasti turun tangan.. hehe, dan bener aja BB gue rame dengan pesanan yang berdatangan.. Jadi marketing ala kadarnya berbekal product knowledge yang udah khatam, arangging pengiriman dengan calon pembeli dan transferisasi adalah proses yang dilakukan..

Soal hasil yang didapet, aku dan Mba Tia udah sepakat ga mau ngambil untung yang besar agar dapat menjaring lebih banyak konsumen dan karena persaingan yang ketat sesama pedagang.. Jadi, jangan bayangin kami dapet untung berjut-jut or bermil-mil yaaa.... hehehhehe..

Tapi satu hal yang dapat gue petik dari jualan kue Lebaran MurMer ini adalah gue jadi kepikiran dan tergerak buat nyeriusin bisnis sampingan lainnya di sela-sela waktu kerja.. I love doing business dan berharap nantinya bisa terus tekun dan hidup dari sini. Pengennya ga kepatok sama waktu kantor yang mengikat banget, so I prefer to be a housewife karna mau fokus ke keluarga juga, I'll dedicate myself to my husband and children. While In the mean time, I'll keep scrapbooking or doing business in this field. I dunnoo.. still figure it out, masih nyari-nyari celah dari sekarang.. Bisa bisa.. I'll do anything to make me keep active and useful, else I'll be insane.. hohooo..

I'm now planning this with a partner.. Semoga semuanya diberikan kelancaran.. amiiin.. ^.^


*1 kardus isi 6 toples Rp. 85.000*


To : Busy Ass People

Excuses are the tools with which persons with no purpose in view build for themselves great monuments of nothing. ~Steven Grayhm

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Scrap, The Begining

Almost everything comes from nothing.
Just like this project.

Scrapbook yang aku bikin untuk Kate, my ex student ini, adalah project pertamaku, sebelum akhirnya benar-benar kembali lagi ke dunia Scrapbook dan menggilainya sampe sekarang.

Project ini nuntun aku buat nemuin satu lagi hal yang "Dhiesta banget", yang akhirnya bikin sadar juga kalo beberapa hal seharusnya ga pernah ada di hidup gue selama ini..

Sekarang kalo ditanya soal hobi apa yang aku sukai, deretan kegiatan seperti ~ Watching movies, hangout, traveling, reading Netherlands literature (bwek, sumpah ini cuma buat bagus2in cv, hehe) ~ harus dicoret semua diganti dengan cuma satu kata
~ Scrapbooking ~.

It is not common, unique. I like it :)

The objective was to let her know that she's the best student of mine (wel yeah, after Bek Sem. He's still my fav one :p !!!) and we won't loose contact. Bikinnya cuma semalem & since alat-alat dan bahan yg gue punya juga masih sedikit banget waktu itu.. this project was lack of perfect.. hohoo.. :D

*Kate; She's so pretty, isnt she?*

Ps : I miss teaching her.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

You say Goodbye. I say Hello

You'll leave tommorow, like forever..
"Back to where I belong" you said.. ..
While I said the opposite, you belong nowhere but here..
Not there..

Maybe this could ring a bell..

Starting from.. This is the place where mommy's little girl who never thought would touched any land beside Java become a surviver explorer one with the next big target is Europe.. It's even outside Indonesia !
When you became a part of it.. You taste bitter and sweet of life.. all at once.. You've mastered them now.. Applause !
It ended by.. This is the place where all your raw dreams become riper.. and then it says "Pluck it gently".. You just have to wait, patiently..

But my words are end in smoke..
You change no decision..
While I keep wondering,
What has this city been done to you so you leave and give up ?

You... Owe me an explanation !
A very good reason.. Cos I reject your decision..
Got two of my best friends left me in the same month, is aint good you know..
Aint good..

Make me believe it makes sense..
.. and my heart willing to let you go..

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Artsy Getaway

This is what am dying for recently, a week of artsy people gathering (please read as scrapbookers event *yaay*). Hopefuly I could still participate, since they don't have many spots left anymore.

Please oh please Mother of Earth count me in *finger crossed*

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Mi. Ra. Cle

Pagi itu dan semuanya menjadi indah :D

Bangun tidur mendapati hp penuh dengan message dari Divi, selalu begitu sih setiap hari, tapi kali ini berbeda.. Pesannya bikin dunia yang serasa mau runtuh, tidur yang tak pernah tenang, makan yang ga pernah nikmat selama ini, semua menjadi begitu indah... Pagi itu..

Hanya karena ini..
Sms dari Ka' Elfa ke Divi

"Vi, Pa kabar, kemaren belum sempel ngobrol2 ya. Btw gw dah diskusi sama papa mama, hasilnya dista boleh menjadi bagian dari keluarga kita. We've both agreed already. Forget the past. Nanti Dista ikut ke Jogja, kita kenalin ke sodara2 ok."

-- Aku langsung nangis seketika, karena bahagia :) --

Aku dan Divi sudah sepakat ga akan menyerah pada keadaan dan berjuang demi cinta yang udah kami bangun selama ini. Meskipun sampai seminggu yang lalu, kami masih deg deg ser karena belum dapet restu dari orang tua Divi dan masih blur tentang bagaimana proses ke depannya... tapi kemarin dan sms itu mengubah segalanya.

Kami berdua tau, kalo keputusan yang orang tua Divi ambil itu ga mudah, mereka harus mengorbankan pendirian bahkan juga harga diri mereka di depan kolega dan kerabat.. but at the end they did it for Us. They reached the highest level of love.. Sacrifice for others.. For me this is just super duper cooool ! I really thank them for this and at that the same time, love them with all my heart. I love u both !

For me and Divi, We havent gave our best effort yet to make this happend, but God just simply give that to us.. His Miracle.. hmm, God is Good.. Aku dan divi ga habis-habisnya mengucap syukur ke Tuhan.. Terima kasiiih Tuhan, Engkau begitu baik... Terima kasihhh.. berjuta-juta kali..

For the next, we're gonna focussing on OUR FUTURE. Preparing stuffs. Arangging this and that, in the name of 'live happily ever after' with Divi and Dhiesta as the Prince and Princess.. hohoo... Auk ah, kebanyakan nonton Cinderela jadi gini gue.. hehe... Smoga semuanya berjalan sesuai rencana... Aminn ^.^

Ps : I love u even more Divi Analis

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

We Are Together

I never found such a bond like this..
We laugh,
We cry,
We listen each others,
We share jokes and stories,
We reach our dreams,
Always !

I heart you Belanda 2004.
*Cium jidat kalian masing-masing*

Inspired by this !
Thanks Meidung..

Monday, August 16, 2010

Life's Artist

Indeed :))

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I've been twice time in d last week went to a scrapshop, My Scrapbook Ideas which was formerly named as ScrapKing. I was exteremely surprised yet soo happy when I knew that My Scrapbook Ideas is under FoodHall - MAP group, since I got 12 MAP vouchers as my birthday gift from my beloved one, Divi Analis to be spent.

I was soo happyyy, cos I didn't know this at first. First thought which came up on my mind, when he gave me that gift was "Is he insane? How should I spend this vouchers in their such expensive stores? U name it.. Debenhams, FCuk, Dorothy Perkins, Massimo Dutti, Miss Selfridge, Top Shop even Sogo seems still not affordable for me.. I mean give me the cash of 1,2 milion rupiah, and I'll shop in lower-budget-stores.. Yep, for sure.. Gue bisa pulang dengan berkantong-kantong barang belanjaan instead of just one or two bags with branded things.. def not me ! Tapi hal itu ga berlaku ya untuk scrapbook shopping.. hehehe..

Overall, I like this scrap store, since they have several branches which spread all over Jakarta, u can easily find them.. Di daerah Senayan aja, mereka punya dua cabang, I just have to walk a little bit, then I'll find it.. Yummiiiee.. :))

U can find My Scrapbook Ideas here :
- Bintaro Junction
- Food Hall Grand Indonesia
Food Hall Senayan City
Food Hall Kebon Jeruk
Food Hall Plaza Senayan
Gramedia Puri Indah

Barang-barang di MSI ini hampir semuanya impor, tapi kalo soal harga, been compared it with one of the scrap store in FX, di MSI ini tergolong lebih murah. Seperti S.e.i Chalk Ink Stamp harganya Rp. 27.500, bedanya bisa sampai Rp. 8.000 dengan yang di FX itu, untuk harga kertasnya berkisar antara Rp. 7.000 - Rp 22.000 dengan pilihan item yang lebih banyak pula.

Satu yang menurutku kurang dari toko ini, mereka ga banyak nyedian product scrap tools, seperti puncher, eyelet, embosser, etc. Karena biasanya, I prefer to buy tools which is more long lasting than papers, stickers, or any other embellishments, karena bahan-bahan ini bisa diakalin dengan memakai yang lokal punya atau bikin sendiri dari bahan-bahan yang jauh lebih murah dan mudah didapat.. Hasil yang bagus kan ga harus mahal, that's the essence.

The sneak peek from my last visit..

U might like this:
1. For every purchase minimal Rp. 250.000 u'll get one free class with the teacher. Class is held every weekend, with minimal 3 students.
2. Untuk pita-pita berbahan nylon, saat ini mereka sedang ada promo buy 1 ribbon get 30 % disc @ Rp. 8500, while buy 1 box (62 ribbons) get 50 % disc, sekitar Rp. 400.000, untill August 2010. I def heart this :>.

Happy scrapbooking y'all ^.^

Four Seasons

Lima hari sebelum acara Buka Bersama Londo '04 dan Arisan, Friska and I talked about what should we give to Dahlia in the name of Londo '04. Kita sepakat ngasi Dain sesuatu yang bisa dikenang, dan bisa dibawa serta ke Belanda nanti.. Akirnya setelah perdebatan panjang sampe gontok-gontokan.. *hahaha lebay*, we decided to made a Scrapbook for her, with me as the creator, while Friska mengurusi saweran dan nagihin pesan serta foto anak-anak.

Here's the idea, I want Dahlia feels like she has US in her new surrounding..
The mandatory is, it has to include the notes from all of Us and also the 49 photos of us...

So here it goes..

* We'll there for you in four different seasons *

* Everyone could send their messages, even in the very last minute.
Just insert it to the envelope. Easy :) ! *

~ Spring ~
*I love feeling the crispness of fall and the sensuality of spring (
Christopher Meloni Well)*

~ Summer ~
* There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart (Celia Thaxter) *

~ Autumn ~
* Everyone must take time to sit and watch the leaves turn ( Elizabeth lawrence )*

~ Winter ~
* Days like these let you savor a bad mood (Calvin and Hobbes) *

* The conclusion : "So You'll Never Alone" *

Like James Taylor's song "You've Got a Friend".. We'll there also for you...
~ Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall... all you have to do is call, Lord, I'll be there, yes I will.
You've got a friend ~

Ps : Special thanks to Kiky for the photos.. ^.^

* The brand : Sofis *