Thursday, July 16, 2009

Potter and The Gank

Harry Potter is attacking us now. People talks about it, but I'm not. People re-read the Half Blood Prince book, but I'm not. People carve out to get the premier tickets to be th 1st one who watch it, but I'm not.

*Avada Kedavra*

I'm a big fan of HP, if I might say. I have all of HP books, and got them from the pre-order. I attended the last book (Harry Potter & The Deathly Hollow) closing party and know the name of all the casts.

I just not into Harry Potter anymore. Since I knew, buku Harry Potter udah mencapai serial terakhirnya. Di situlah gw realize, kalo sudah saatnya untuk tidak mengikuti kemana gerak langkah Harry Potter lagi... :)

Hampir semua studio playing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollow.. dan karena itu, reservasi buat dapetin tiket HP, dilakuin sehari bahkan sampai dua hari sebelumnya.. Crazyieh !!

Me ?! Nanti saja laaah, ada pepatah Jawa mengatakan.. alon alon asal kelakon..



Gie said...

Zta, sedikit koreksi ni, mungkin maksud jij "Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince"? Am I right?

dhiestanatalia said...

oiyaaa.. hihiii... terlalu bersemangat, atau malahan ga tau sama sekali yak, karna ga ngikutin perkembangannya lagi.. haha.. thank anyway for the correction gie..