Thursday, January 29, 2015

Si Anak Gelendotan

One of Pepito's kid who developes a lot within a week. He used to 'gelendotan' all the time with the nanny and cried a lot. He was unindependent and it hampered his growth and milestones. It's been 2,5 months since he joined Pepito Day Care, but he was like the freshman and it means, less singing, dancing or playing with other kids.

So I think, this shuld be stopped. He's in the golden age and it didnt good for his motor skill also for his soul. Hahaa, kids who laugh and play a lot are the best ! 😁
I asked the nanny not to devoted taking care of him. Instead I asked her to keep the distance. I switched the nannies.

What happened next?? We saw him cried even louder and more often, seeked for his nanny. Wasnt comfortable either for us.

But guess what, the day after he could overcome this. He become more independent, cry less, interact with other better, speaks louder, dancing like nobody cares.. hehehe.. and the best part is he's ready to enhance his fine and gross motor skill.

Aahhh u cant imagine how happy I am seeing kiddo of mine is happy too.. Kasus ini membuktikan bahwa, ketegasan pada anak diperlukan serta memenuhi keinginan anak terus-menerus untuk membuatnya tidak menangis, sebaiknya tidak dilakukan. Hasilnya?? memuaskan ! si anak bisa bertumbuh kembang dengan lebih baik, pengasuh (orang tua dan kami di Pepito) jadi less stress ga lagi dengerin anak yang merengek terus menerus .. hhehe..

Oh dear Kenzie, u've done great.. aunty bu is soo proud of you ! :***
Be happy ^^


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